Cristóbal Abarzúa
English, Spanish, French
Cura Montero s/n - Nancagua - Provincia de Colchagua
VI Región O'Higgins
Phone: +569-34523508
Member of ABDChile (Asociación de Agricultura Biodinámica de Chile) and its Commission of Education and Training Participant of Biodynamic Viticulture & Winemaking Chilean-Argentinean Meeting since 2015
Biodynamic Preparations
Organisational consulting, Lectures, Tutorial, Workshop, Education, Training
Learn by doing, together, deepening our consciousness. I approach biodynamics as an endless path and process, where belief is transformed into conviction through practical results. First, facilitating the first step into biodynamics by any means I can (bd preparations, stirring machines, certification, visits, research projects, associative projects, etc.) and then creating moments of group deepening, where each task takes on a transcendent meaning and everything we do and talk makes sense.
2016- to present, as biodynamic advisor at Viñedos Veramonte, a large scale project located in Casablanca and Colchagua wine-valleys, where after several years we have also started to dig into Anthroposophy (Eurythm, Art of Speech and a bit of Astrosophy, Goetheanistic Observartion, Painting) 2016 to present, CBD, a small company focused on developing biodynamics, offering consulting services, field research, project formulations, mechanical dynamisers, biodynamic preparations and different elements needed to. Collaborating with at least 15 different farms. Older: As Research Project Developer: 2 associative research project in biodynamic viticulture, from 2017 to 2018 in Colchagua-Chile, with the participation of Viñedos Emiliana, Viña Koyle, Viña Veramonte and the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences of University of Chile, focused on BDp 500, and funded by public institutions (InnovaChile-Corfo); and from May 2015 to November 2015 in Burgundy-France, with Domaine Marquis D‘Angerville, Domaine La Pousse D’Or, Domaine Michel Lafarge, Geisenheim University and Pierre and Vincent Masson, focused on BDp 501 as a Master of Science's Thesis. As Winemaker: several harvest as assistant winemaker in biodynamic/organic wineries, Domaine Valentin Zusslin in Orschwihr, Alsace, France; Viñedos Veramonte in La Vinilla, Casablanca, Chile; Geowines in Tapihue, Casablanca, Chile; Ceago Vinegarden LLC in Redwood Valley, Mendocino County, California, USA; Viñedos Emiliana in Lo Moscoso, Colchagua, Chile. As Chief Winemaker for 3 years in a conventional winery, Viña Apaltagua in Apalta, Colchagua, Chile. As winemaker consultant for short time at Viñedos Doña Inés in La Vinilla, Casablanca, Chile.
- José Aguirre. ex-Technical Manager Viñedos Veramonte - Gustavo Riffo. Owner and Winemaker Viña Lomas de Llahuén - Cristóbal Undurraga Owner/Winemaker Viña Koyle; Rodrigo Soto, Quintessa ex-Veramonte Winemaker; Sebastián Tramón, Andrés Aparicio, Armando Rebolledo, Sustainability Director, Viticulture Director and Viticulture Manager Viñedos Emiliana; Alvaro Peña, Professor University of Chile. - Frédéric Lafarge. Owner Domaine Michel Lafarge, François Duvivier. Technical Director of Domaine Marquis D’Angerville; Hubert Rossignol. Vintner of Domaine La Pousse D’Or; Pierre and Vincent Masson. Consultants in agriculture and biodynamic viticulture; Dr. Georg Meissner. Alois Lageder Biodynamic Viticulture Director, Consultant, Professor Hochschule Geisenheim University. - Jean Paul and Marie Zusslin. Owners Domaine Valentin Zusslin - Alvaro Espinoza. Consultant winemaker, former partner Geo Wines, owner Viña Antiyal - Juan Carlos Faúndez. Consultant winemaker, former Geo Wines, owner Viña Los Quiscos. - Javier Tapia Meza. Director of Viticulture Rhys Vineyards, former Cêago Vinegarden (California) * If necessary, I will give privately the contact of any of these references.
Training of Trainers Course for Latin American Biodynamic Viticulture Meeting Chile / Argentina ABDChile Spring Meeting and ABD Chile Talks
Chile, France, United States,
2023 BFDI Biodynamics & Anthroposophy online Course 2023 BFDI several on-line meetings of different topics (BD preparations, reserach & training, associative economics) 2022 BFDI General Assembly in Chile, active role as host in Colchagua. 2020 Demeter International Standards and Conversion Course, given by Demeter International in partnership with the Biodynamic Association in North America
Peer Review
Juan Martín Richter
Armando Rebolledo