Walter Siegfried Hahn
Polish and Spanish conversational levels
Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
Skype: Walter Siegfried Hahn
Phone: 0063-919-8502114
Webpage/Social Media:,
President of Koberwitz 1924 Inc. Member of Biodynamic Philippines
Field crops,
Fruit growing,
Silviculture, Tree nursery,
Vegetable Growing,
Aromatic and Medicinal Plants,
Plant breeding,
Biodynamic Preparations,
Tropical agriculture,
Development of Farm Individuality based on holistic scientific perception of givens and decided implementation of preparations. I connect my experience with the sensory experience field with that from farming and have a special interest in developing farms in such a way that they become places of encounter with reality, training grounds of human faculties of perception and thinking. Among other perspectives, this can provide the additional income which production of foods or raw materials can right now not provide.
Individual consulting, Group consulting, Organisational consulting, Coaching, Project management, Supervision, Lectures, Tutorial, Workshop, Education, Training, Project development
My work is based on sensory and hands-on experience and has a strong practical hands-on approach. My general idea is to accompany as long as necessary and set free as soon as possible - during time of accompanying, I am usually available for any questions at any time.
My basic idea in all consulting and advising processes is that whether a farm, a person, an enterprise or a community is concerned, they all have their individual sense, talent and destiny. My work consists in enabling the client more and more to bring this individuality to appear and, in the process, become independent of me. I use for such processes all what I have learned in 49 years from anthroposophy, through music, therapy, trainings, life, encounters and crisis. Most basic are my faculties to be there, to listen and to guide other people to their own perceptions. Based on that it can become individual, group or organisational consulting, project development or management, lectures, workshops or trainings. I put special emphasis on hands-on work and sensory experience in all the work I do. Also, whenever I say yes to a project, I feel responsible as long as my advice is asked for and I will always stay focussed on the project with my attention and be available for questions and advice, at least online.
Biodynamic Food and Land Scape Singapore. Rose Tao Farms Philippines. Phoenix Hills Commune Beijing.
Demeter Advisors Hans Supenkämper, Jakes Jayakaran. BD Advisors Thomas Schneider, Harald Hoven.
Bangladesh, China, Germany, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, United States,
I regard agriculture as an art and I put special emphasis on developing farms as individual organisms based on proper perception of realities. I try to integrate as many players who have to do with the farm as possible, which has positive effects into many directions from public relations to marketing to better co-worker engagement. I connect my experience with the sensory experience field with that from farming and have a special interest in developing farms in such a way that they become places of encounter with reality, training grounds of human faculties of perception and thinking. Among other perspectives, this can provide the additional income which production of foods or raw materials can right now not provide.
Peer Review
Reto Ingold
Hans Supenkämper