Kristina Martinėlienė
Lithuanian, Russian
Levaniškis II village, Širvintos district, LT19106 Lithuania / mailing address Vilniaus str. 43-17, Širvintos, LT19118 Lithuania
Número de teléfono: +37061292146
Member of Lithuanian Biodynamic Association,
Agricultura, Ganadería, Preparados biodinámicos
Asesoramiento individual, Asesoramiento de grupo
Advisory work is not just about listening, but also about hearing. Advisory work is about seeing the whole, not just the details. Advisory work is not just talking, but saying the important things (including the word "no"). Advisory work is about sharing knowledge and experiences with colleagues and clients. Advisory work is continuous teaching and learning.
Conversion plan: Augustinas Martinėlis 2021, Vilma Žaltauskienė 2022
Reto Ingold ( Demeter Biodynamic advisor), Wanderschule (
CBC project Advisors Meeting in Germany
My task is to help farmers, especially from post-Soviet countries, to gain confidence and eventually to farm biodynamically themselves.
Peer Review
Reto Ingold
Hans Supenkamper