Ali Mesut Karslı
İzmir / Türkiye
Número de teléfono: +905539343344
Demeter Biodynamic Farming Association Turkey
Cultivo del olivo,
Preparados biodinámicos
After-harvest proses for the sale of dried fruits and IQF
Asesoramiento individual, Gestión de proyectos, Elaboración del proyecto
Farm documentary management
Consultancy about increasing agricultural productivity, supporting biodynamic and sustainable practices and optimising product quality. I also support projects with my documentation skills.
In 2024 Development and teaching of PGS System and standards for Türkiye. Işık Tarım / Isık Organic company's organic and Demeter projects since 2018.
- 28-30 April 2023: Biodynamic Agriculture Academy 3rd Training (Anet Spengler Neff, Michael Weiler, Hans Supenkaemper, Arzu Duran). - 24-26 November 2023: The Anthroposophic Meditation Course - Connecting to Your Higher Self and Elemental Beings in Nature (Thomas Mayer and Agnes Hardorp). - 15-17 December 2023: The Plant Between Earth and Sky (Jean-Michel Florin). - 18-19 December 2023: Locally Focused Demeter PGS Certification System (Sundeep Kamath).
- Authorized person for preparing Demeter preparations and as a sultanas consultancy’s within Işık Tarım since 2021. - Provided organic consultancy services for the production of hazelnuts, berries, figs and sultanas since 2018.
Peer Review
Arzu Duran
Sundeep Kamath